
Monday, December 01, 2003

Some notes from the last few days of my lost weekend:

1. The Carnivale finale made we want to throw things. It was a great ep, and it did a very good job tying up a lot of things from the season (which meandered quite a bit at times). But how could they end on a cliffhanger like that, with [spoiler] Clea Duvall and her mother trapped in a burning trailer[/spoiler]??? They were my favorite characters in the series, and their scenes were always nicely eerie. ([spoiler] "Mother! Stop that! You're lying!"[/spoiler]) We don't even know for sure if there will be a season two, but there is so much unresoved from this season that there better be.

2. I finally saw the extended TTT DVD at my sister's. (My own DVD player picked this weekend, when I really could have used it, to die). I can't believe that some of this stuff was cut out of TTT, as some of it is vitally important for an understanding of some of the subplots in RotK, especially the scenes with Denethor and his two sons.

3. The Eagles have won seven in a row, and the thing that is really striking to me is the continuity. In the free-agency NFL, where year to year personnel changes make seasonal predictions almost impossible, Andy Reid's team has put together seasons of 11-5, 11-5, 12-4, and the current 9-3, despite a series of unspectacular rookie drafts. The credit must go to a nice bit of husbanding of salary-cap money by the front office, and to the coach himself: Reid, a practicing Mormon, has a well-known character requirement for players. Nitwits with attitude problems *coughKeyshawncough* need not apply here. As a result, the team is stocked with people who are, for lack of a better word, grown-ups. Like Troy Vincent, who owns three businesses in addition to his humanitarian activities, and Darwin Walker, a civil engineer who owns a structural engineering firm.

It seems kind of a paradox that people who are civilized like this should excel at a game that seems to be about violence: but in fact thugs make very poor warriors.

4. My sister was talking about how, in certain voice intonations and mannerisms, her younger daughter Anne reminds her a little of our late sister Mary. Now Anne is poised and cheerful and extremely charismatic--basically everything Mary was not--but I can kind of see it too. She is, as Suzanne says, what Mary could have been, had fate been kinder, and the thought of it makes me happy and sad at the same time.

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