
Monday, April 21, 2003

Busy weekend. Saturday I was at the store for a while, bringing over some games I had picked up for resale. Then I went to Pat Cerm's 40th birthday party at the Columbus Club in Clifton Heights where I saw all my old "neighborhood" friends. I hadn't seen those people in a long time, and it was nice to spend time with them. There couldn't have been more than a couple other college degrees in the room (Joe Canamuccio and Olga, who are secondary schoolteachers, and Mike Cunningham) but I felt such a strong affinity with everyone. None of them turned out badly, every one of them is a decent person, and I was--in retrospect--very lucky in the environment I grew up in.

Sunday I went to my sister's house for Easter dinner. I had missed the whole war with her, an omission she blamed on me rather than her Everquest usage.

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